Top NFT Games to Play in 2023

NFT games are a new and exciting genre of gaming that combines the fun and immersive aspects of traditional video games with the unique and valuable properties of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). NFTs are digital assets that are stored on a blockchain and can represent anything from art and music to virtual items and characters. NFTs are scarce, indivisible, and verifiable, which means they can be used to create digital economies and ownership systems within games. Impact-Site-Verification: ad31155a-5048-4a03-b0fa-17dc08107798.

NFT games allow players to earn, collect, trade, and sell NFTs as they play, creating a play-to-earn model that rewards gamers for their time and skill. NFT games also enable players to have more control and creativity over their gaming experience, as they can customize their avatars, items, and environments with NFTs.

In this article, we will introduce you to some of the top NFT games that you can play in 2023, as well as some of the upcoming NFT games that you should keep an eye on.

Top NFT Games in 2023

Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity is one of the most popular and successful NFT games in the market, with over 2 million daily active users and over $2 billion in revenue as of November 2023. Axie Infinity is inspired by Pokemon and lets players breed, battle, and trade cute creatures called Axies. Each Axie is an NFT with unique traits and abilities and can be used to compete in various game modes, such as PVP, PVE, and tournaments. Players can also earn the game’s native tokens, AXS and SLP, by playing the game and use them to buy more Axies, land plots, or other items in the game’s marketplace.

Gods Unchained

Gods Unchained is a free-to-play card game that is similar to Hearthstone, but with a twist: the cards are NFTs that players can own, trade, and sell on the blockchain. Gods Unchained features over 600 cards with different rarities and powers, and allows players to build their own decks and strategies to compete in ranked matches, tournaments, or casual games. Players can also earn the game’s native token, GODS, by playing the game and use it to buy card packs, cosmetics, or other items in the game’s marketplace.


Splinterlands is another card game that uses NFTs to create a dynamic and competitive gameplay. Splinterlands features over 2000 cards with different factions, abilities, and stats, and allows players to collect, level up, and combine them to create powerful decks. Players can also rent or lend their cards to other players, or participate in various game modes, such as ranked battles, tournaments, or quests. Players can earn the game’s native token, SPS, by playing the game and use it to buy more cards, booster packs, or other items in the game’s marketplace.

The Sandbox

The Sandbox is a virtual world where players can create, explore, and monetize their own 3D experiences using NFTs. The Sandbox features a voxel editor that lets players design and animate their own characters, items, and environments, and a game maker that lets players create and share their own games and experiences. Players can also buy, sell, and trade land plots, NFTs, and other assets in the game’s marketplace, or earn the game’s native token, SAND, by playing the game and participating in the game’s governance.

Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds is a sci-fi game that simulates a futuristic galaxy where players can explore, mine, and battle on different planets. Each planet is an NFT with its own characteristics, resources, and challenges, and players can use their NFT tools, weapons, and minions to interact with them. Players can also join different factions and compete for the control of the planets, or earn the game’s native token, TLM, by playing the game and use it to buy more NFTs, upgrade their equipment, or stake in the game’s governance.

Battle Racers

Battle Racers is a racing game that lets players build, customize, and race their own NFT cars. Players can choose from different car parts, such as chassis, engines, wheels, and weapons, and combine them to create their own unique vehicles. Players can also compete in various game modes, such as time trials, tournaments, or multiplayer races, or trade their NFT cars and parts in the game’s marketplace, or earn the game’s native token, RACER, by playing the game and use it to buy more NFTs, upgrade their cars, or access exclusive features.


CryptoKitties is one of the first and most famous NFT games, where players can collect, breed, and trade digital cats. Each CryptoKitty is an NFT with its own unique appearance, personality, and genes, and can be used to create new CryptoKitties with different traits and rarities. Players can also participate in various events, such as auctions, contests, or giveaways, or earn the game’s native token, CAT, by playing the game and use it to buy more CryptoKitties, accessories, or other items in the game’s marketplace.


Decentraland is another virtual world where players can create, explore, and socialize in a decentralized metaverse. Decentraland features a 3D editor that lets players build and decorate their own land parcels, and a SDK that lets players create and host their own games and applications. Players can also buy, sell, and trade land parcels, NFTs, and other assets in the game’s marketplace, or earn the game’s native token, MANA, by playing the game and participating in the game’s governance.


Sorare NFT game is a novel way of combining the excitement of fantasy football with the innovation of blockchain technology. Sorare allows users to collect, trade, and play with digital cards that represent real-life football players from over 200 clubs around the world. These cards are non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which means they are unique, scarce, and verifiable on the Ethereum blockchain.

Sorare users can create their own fantasy teams by buying and selling cards on the marketplace, or by participating in auctions and tournaments. Each card has different attributes and rarity levels, which affect its value and performance. Users can earn rewards in the form of new cards or ETH (the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum) by winning matches and leagues, or by holding rare cards.

Sorare NFT game is not only a fun and engaging way of enjoying football, but also a potential source of income and investment for its users. By owning NFTs, users have full ownership and control over their digital assets, and can benefit from their appreciation in the secondary market. Some of the most valuable cards have been sold for tens of thousands of dollars, such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Kylian Mbappé, and Lionel Messi.

Sorare NFT game is also a platform that supports the growth and development of the football industry, by partnering with official clubs and leagues, and by creating new opportunities for fans and players. Sorare aims to become the ultimate digital football experience, where users can own their game and connect with their passion.


These are some of the top NFT games that you can play in 2023, but there are many more NFT games that are being developed and launched every day. NFT games are a new and exciting way to enjoy gaming, as they offer more opportunities for creativity, ownership, and earning. If you are interested in NFT games, you can check out some of the websites and platforms that host and support them, such as OpenSea, Rarible, Axie Marketplace, Gods Unchained Marketplace, Splinterlands Market, The Sandbox Marketplace, Alien Worlds Market, Battle Racers Marketplace, CryptoKitties Marketplace, and Decentraland Marketplace.

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